Presenting Authors
Oral Presentations
The speaker preparation room is located in the Concord Speakers Prep of the Brisbane Convention Centre. As the program is running concurrent sessions it is essential that you load your talk to the conference network from the speaker prep room at least 2 hours before your session start time. There will be no provision for people to use their own laptops. The conference presentation software is MS PowerPoint 2007. Those preparing on Macs should save for this output. Any issues should be resolved in the speaker preparation room beforehand. A technician will be present to assist.
The session rooms will be equipped with:
- Data projector
- Screen
- Microphone & Lectern
- Laser pointer
- Wi-Fi access (throughout the conference venue)
We will have AV specialists available throughout the conference to monitor sessions. To ensure a smooth-running program, we ask that all speakers bring their presentation with them on a USB and upload the presentation at least 2 hours prior to your scheduled presentation time. You will be able to load your presentation in the Speakers Preparation Room – Concord Speaker’s Prep Room, located on the Concord level of the Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre.
Things to note:
- Presentation slides should be in the wide screen format of (16:9). Please click here if you require further clarification on aspect ratios.
- If you are using custom fonts not found in the standard system fonts, please use the “Embed fonts in file” feature found in Save As/tools/save options. This will ensure that your fonts travel with the PowerPoint file when saved.
- If you have audio and/or video in your presentation, please ensure you have the files saved separately as embedding the media does not always include them in the PowerPoint file. This will allow the Technical Team to re-embed and/or change the format of the video onsite if needed.
- There will be no mac or mac connectors available in the session rooms. If you wish to use a mac computer please ensure you bring your own connections/cables.
Poster Presentations
Delegates with posters can place their poster by finding the appropriate abstract number on the display panels in the exhibition area. The program provides instructions regarding the days which posters should be presented. During the specific poster discussion sessions, presenters must be present talk discuss with delegates. This is also the time when official judging will occur.